Dosage Formula in Anesthesia for Manual Intrauterine Aspiration Post-Abortion in Resource-Limited Settings

Ibula, Serge and Iteke, Rivain and Barhayiga, Berthe and Tsansya, Doddie and Cishugi, Roger and Kalongo, Jean Jacques and Sagboze, Sandra and Cikwanine, Jean Paul and Sengeyi, Dieudonné (2024) Dosage Formula in Anesthesia for Manual Intrauterine Aspiration Post-Abortion in Resource-Limited Settings. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 15 (04). pp. 71-80. ISSN 2157-9423

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Setting: Provincial General Reference Hospital of Bukavu, General Reference Hospital of Panzi, General Reference Hospital of Ciriri, General Reference Hospital of Nyatende and Biopharm Hospital Center. Objective: Contribute to the improvement of the anesthetic ECP of patients benefiting from MVA for incomplete abortion, Describe the methodology used for adoption of the dosage formula in Anesthesia for MVA, present the mathematical demonstration leading to the dosage formula in anesthesia for MVA. Materials and Methods: Our study was descriptive by mathematical demonstration of obtaining the equilibrium constant of the dosage formula of bipuvacaine 0.1% and Fentanyl 50 µg% adapted to the weight and specific size of patients treated anesthetically in MVA cases for incomplete abortion. We also carried out an operational research by first determining the interval where our equilibrium constant is included and secondly by means of the ends of the intervals found correlated to the ends of intervals of possible weights and sizes in the being normal human female of childbearing age to arrive at the real numerical value of the equilibrium constant of the BUKAVU Dosage Formula in the case of anesthesia for MVA during the management of incomplete abortions. Results: TWO-STAGE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH: • Determination of the interval where the equilibrium constant x = −0.95 < x < 3.2 is located; • Obtaining the numerical value of the balance finding x by crossing the means between the extremes of volumes of anesthetic drugs giving a satisfactory sensory block without hemodynamic disturbance and the extremes of normal weight and height for women of childbearing age. We ended up with X = 0.37. Conclusion: At the end of our study which had the general objectives of contributing to the improvement of the anesthetic PEC of patients receiving MVA for incomplete abortion and specific objectives of describing the methodology used for adoption of the dosage formula in Anesthesia for MVA and present the mathematical demonstration which resulted in the dosage formula in nesthesia for MVA, it appears that the dosage formula of Bukavu, in case of intrathecal spinal analgesia of MVA for incomplete abortion provides precision on the specificity of the doses of bipuvacaine hypobarre 0.1% and Fentanyl 50 µg% reported to each patient according to her weight and height. Its application could therefore reduce morbidity and mortality and improve patient-practitioner comfort in the event of MVA for incomplete abortion following the dosage precision it provides.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Science Global Plos > Multidisciplinary
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2024 07:42
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2024 07:42

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